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Bybit How to use the Bybit Exchange ver. 2021



0. Bitmex vs Bybit Difference, Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages


- We compared the pros and cons of the old boss BitMEX and the new futures exchange Bybit!


- You can clearly see why many users are moving to Bybit recently.


- You can choose an exchange that is more suitable for you by analyzing the pros and cons!



00.Bybit event


- We will inform you of the current events in Bybit!


- Check out what benefits await and receive your bonus!


-ByBit has many exciting promotions such as trading competitions~



000.Bitcoin credit card payment


- Currently, many cryptocurrency exchanges are setting up to allow direct purchases with credit cards.


- You can purchase cryptocurrency directly with your credit card through the feature called Easy Purchase!


- Although the fee is a bit high, I appreciate that it is fast and convenient~


1. How to sign up for Bybit


- Bybit is very easy and simple to sign up as a member.


- Use our discount code to get a discount on commissions!


- In order to increase deposits and withdrawals, you need to go through the KYC verification process~




2. Bybit deposit method



- Bybit does not support deposits in KRW (BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP, USDT supported).


- Therefore, you need to purchase a coin at a domestic exchange and transfer it with Bybit~


- We will guide you through detailed examples of how to deposit to Bybit!



3.Bybit withdrawal method



- You can cash out by sending coins to a domestic exchange as it does not support withdrawals in KRW.


- We will show you how to transfer from Bybit to your personal wallet or other exchanges!


-ByBit withdraws money to users who have requested withdrawals 3 times a day.



4. Bybit short selling



- The biggest advantage of margin trading is that it allows leverage and short selling.


- I will explain how to short sell on Bybit.


- Bybit executes transactions at super-fast speed without overload!



5. Bybit Short Buy



- Long positions as well as short positions can be leveraged to maximize profits.


- I will tell you in detail how to make a short purchase on Bybit~


- You can take advantage of the futures exchange where you can buy and sell short!



6.Bybit Fee



- Fees include transaction fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, and funding fees.


- You can improve your returns by minimizing fees!


- Then we will explain each fee in detail~



7. Bybit Margin Call



- Margin Call is a system that enforces liquidation in order to prevent large losses compared to collateral.


- This is to prevent traders' balances from becoming negative.


- We will give you tips and know-how to prevent margin calls.




8. Bybit Margin Call Mutual Insurance



- Unlike other exchanges, Bybit has a special insurance called margin call mutual insurance.


- You can manage risk by actively utilizing it.


- The product has already become a very hot issue in the industry~



9. Bybit Funding Fee



- The funding fee is a system introduced to narrow the gap between the spot price and the futures price.


- We will guide you on how to view Bybit's funding record and figures!


- Please note that the funding fee also fluctuates depending on the market conditions.


10. Bybit Margin Trading



- We have compiled all the materials for margin trading on Bybit Margin Exchange.


- Bybit offers two derivatives (Inverse & USDT perpetual contract) !


- I will tell you how to short buy / short sell each product using leverage! 



11. Bybit Futures Trading



- We have compiled what you need to know before using the Bybit Futures Exchange!


- In addition to explanations of transaction fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, and funding fees


- We also provide in-depth information on margins and tips to prevent margin calls!




                                                  2021년 해외코인거래소 순위 및 추천




binance main.png

ftx main.png

        bybit main.png










   - 지정가 : 0.02%

          - 시장가 : 0.04%(1위)

  - 지정가 : -0.025%

               - 시장가 : 0.075%              

 - 지정가 : -0.025%

                 - 시장가 : 0.075%                 















20% 할인

5% 할인

20% 할인