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2. MACD 보는법



What is the MACD indicator?


MACD is an acronym for moving average convergence divergence, and is an index used for technical analysis of stock prices created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s.[1] MACD is designed to indicate changes in the strength, direction, momentum and duration of a stock trend.



MACD is a collection of three time series calculated from historical price data (mostly increases). These three time series are MACD-specific “signal”, “average” and “spread”. MACD is the difference between the long-term exponential moving average and the short-term exponential moving average. The average is the exponential moving average of the MACD itself.




macd 라인 설명.jpg


Composition of MACD indicator



MACD is an oscillator index created based on the relationship between moving average convergence, diffusion index, and moving averages of different periods. The composition consists of MACD line, signal line, and oscillator.










As one of the indicator analysis methods, it is suitable for detecting the turning point in the sideways trend, but it appears too soon after the start of the trend, providing a dangerous signal for trading. In a broad sense, an oscillator refers to all indices that indicate price movements. In a narrow sense, an oscillator is a positive (+) or negative (-) value as a result of subtracting the price at a certain point in the past from the recent price. It is a method to analyze by graphing at the current point in time. The analysis using the oscillator compensates for the difficulty in analyzing the trend or pattern analysis in the consolidation phase, that is, when the price fluctuation range is insignificant, and is useful when the trend is not clear.


When the MACD crosses the signal line and goes down, it is a buy section, and when it rises above the signal line, it can be viewed as a sell section. If you look at the MACD indicator, there are values ​​implemented as histograms in addition to these values. These are called oscillator indicators.


The reason there is such an oscillator indicator is that MACD and signal line are lagging indicators. As a result, the response between the buy and sell sections is inevitably delayed. In other words, the lagging indicator represents the value of the past data by analyzing it. Of course it has to be slow. Therefore, we look at the oscillator together and interpret the auxiliary indicators.



The MACD oscillator is an indicator showing the difference between the MACD and the signal as a bar graph. In other words, if you hold a buy and sell section in a position that matches the oscillator and MACD auxiliary indicators, you will be able to enter and exit at a fairly good position. Of course, these indicators are not always successful. Because no one knows what will happen in the market.



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Properties of MACD Indicators


The blue line (MACD line), the red line (signal line) and the gray graph above are the oscillators.


The proposition of the chart is that the stock price rises and falls at the point where the MACD and Signal lines converge. Simply put, it means that a strong share price change occurs at the point where the two lines meet.


If you look to the right of the oscillator cancel, there is a number 0. Usually, when the MACD line crosses the signal line above the '0' line, there are often sharp surges.



The '0' line is the bifurcation point between the uptrend and the downtrend. When the oscillator is above the '0' line, the MACD line and the signal line play above the '0' line as an uptrend. If it is below this '0' line, it is considered a downtrend.




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