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Hello everyone

This is Coinpick's Moonlight

The 20210218 bot, which deposited 2000 Tether this time, has a fee payment period.

For the purpose of recovering the principal, the first bot was withdrawn and finished.

The algorithm yields a total return of 31.21%,

Among them, I received an email saying that I had paid 156 USDT as a performance fee.

In addition, after 6 months have elapsed, the amount at the time of settlement is based on the current amount, not the principal.

It is said that the following settlement amount is determined


After deducting the performance fee, there is 2434.09 USDT.

You must cancel the contract first and then withdraw


I'm out of date, so don't worry and hit OK


After the contract is terminated

Click on Request Withdrawal


On the Binance screen

Match the deposit address with the network (TRX/ERC20) and enter it on the Heybit withdrawal screen


within about 1 business day

After going through the process of confirming that the details of the withdrawal are correct by text message and phone call,


You can see that Tether is stamped on Binance like this

February 18, 2021

2,000 tether deposit

August 19, 2021

2427.8 Receive Tether

Investment period 6 months, return about 21%

Hey everyone

TO THE MOON again with the moonlight


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