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10. Sakeda Tactics Trading Act


The Sakeda Warfare Beop is a theory that embodies the theory of Honma, a famous trader who was active in Sakeda Port during the Tokugawa period in Japan.三法) This is a trading method called the Sakeda Five Laws because it consists of five methods.



This is a trading method that looks at the flow rather than a simple auxiliary indicator. Here, it is a type of flow forecasting table that incorporates various auxiliary indicators such as support line, resistance, Fibonacci retracement, triangular convergence, and double divergence. In the West, there is the Elliott Wave with such a trading method.







(1) Three Mountains


A pattern with three peaks in the shape of three mountains


- This is a pattern that foreshadows a downtrend. If it fails to rise from the third peak, it means that it will turn into a downtrend.

- If the 3rd peak does not rise above the previous high, the 1st selling point and the 2nd selling point at the Jeonjeorum breakout point




(2) Samcheon


Triangle and the opposite shape


- It means a trend rise.

- Expect a bull market if it breaks the previous high on the third attempt

- The first buy point is when the third low is supported and rises, and the second buy point is the point when the third previous high is broken.






(3) JeokSamByung


Three strong beekeeping patterns in a row while raising highs


- If it occurs at the bottom, it is received from a downtrend and signals a massive uptrend.

- If it appears during an uptrend, it means that the uptrend is continuing.



(4) HeukSamBrung (黑三兵)


A pattern in which a negative bar that lowers the low in the high zone appears continuously


- means that the buying trend is now over

- Hourly wage to sell because it is likely to plummet







(5) Ascending Three Voids


Gap rise for 3 days in a row


- Candles tend to fill the gap, so it is predicted that the decline will proceed to fill the gap.

- There is a high possibility of a sell-off due to overbought






(6) Lowering Three Voids


A pattern with a downward gap for 3 days in a row


- The upward trend is likely due to the nature of the gap.

- There is a high possibility of buying and rising due to oversold





(7) Three Laws (삼법)


The last three laws mean buy, sell and rest.


- Sakeda tactics Lastly, rest was especially emphasized. Importance of waiting and waiting

- Until a trend is confirmed, we wait unconditionally and wait for the time to sell or buy.






                                                  2021년 해외코인거래소 순위 및 추천




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   - 지정가 : 0.02%

          - 시장가 : 0.04%(1위)

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 - 지정가 : -0.025%

                 - 시장가 : 0.075%                 















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