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2021년 해외코인거래소 순위 및 추천
  binance main.png ftx main.png bybit main.png
거래량 11조(1위) 1조 3.4조
레버리지 최대100배 최대100배 최대125배

- 지정가 : 0.02%

- 시장가 : 0.04%(1위)

- 지정가 : -0.025%

- 시장가 : 0.075%

- 지정가 : -0.025%

- 시장가 : 0.075%

거래방법 현물+선물+마진 선물+주식+FOREX 선물
회원가입 회원가입 회원가입 회원가입
할인코드 20% 할인 5% 할인 20% 할인

Bitcoin chart analysis site

2021.02.22 11:12

제육볶음 조회 수:1123


Bitcoin chart analysis site


The No. 1 monopoly in the industry is Tradingview.

cf. TradingView signup and usage - https://coinpick.com/chart_tradingview

Even in the free version, chart analysis is possible by calculating 3 indicators, and in the case of the paid version, you can add indicators to the extent that any chart analysis is possible for about 30,000 won per month.

cf. TradingView Paid Payment Guide - https://coinpick.com/tradingview_board/5951


study chart analysis


Before using Trading View, you need to understand each 'indicator' required for basic chart analysis. You need to understand the indicators first and add indicators to the chart to study your own trading method or trading method. In this case, a useful site is our ' It's 'Coin Pick'.


스크린샷 2021-02-27 오전 9.26.13.png



You can easily view various index concepts and trading methods such as the moving average, golden cross, Bollinger band, and Fibonacci retracement.

Recommendation method: Try trading by adding what you studied on Coinpick to the TradingView indicator.


Various indicator concepts - https://coinpick.com/chart



Various trading methods - https://coinpick.com/trading